History of Work in Yugoslavia (1920's Report)
THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION HISTORY OF WORK IN YUGOSLAVIA I) YMCA WORK IN GENERAL II) YMCA WORK AMONG BOYS Y.M.C.A. WORK IN GENERAL The foundation of the Christian activities among the laymen in our country was laid down by Dr. John R. Mott in April 1911. Dr. Mott has visited the University in Belgrade at that time , and a direct consequence of his conferences the Student Christian Movement begun. And and has continued its active work under splendid leadership of Dr. Marco Lecco, former Rector of the University. These activities has been purely spiritual and limited only to the students and professors of the University. At that time we had no other Christian laymen’s movement. The name of the Young Men’s Christian Association was known only in a limited circle. The war...