
Showing posts from February, 2014

6th Anniversary of Independence

Today is the 6th anniversary of the Independence of Kosovo. We as an organisation have seen a lot of changes during this 6 years as we constantly invest in youth and try to provide a safe space for them to grow. We wish you and your family the best on this day and we look forward to building the future with you! Sot është përvjetori i 6-të i Pavarësisë së Kosovës. Ne si organizatë kemi parë shumë ndryshime gjatë këtë 6 viteve mbase ne konstant investojmë në rini dhe të përpiqemi për të siguruar një hapësirë të sigurt qe ata të zhvillohen. Ne ju urojme juve dhe familjeve tuaj këtë ditë dhe shikojmë përpara për të ndërtuar të ardhmen bashke me ju! Dorina and staff team.

Talking about the future in Brussels

I took part in YMCA Europe’s 3 rd annual fundraising conference, not something I am used to attending but the reality is in some YMCA’s you may have a certain role but you end up involved in most things. It was a 3 day conference in Brussels “the capital of Europe” as I kept getting told. As I looked at the schedule I knew this was going to get heavy at times and there were sessions around the new Erasmus + and EU financial instruments, there was also input from the Scout movement and discussion around a potential YMCA Europe office in Brussels.  Fundraising Conference participants  Jane Burns from England kicked off the conference and went through a host of methods and initiatives which worked in the western countries, she also treated us to YMCA England’s new brand which I feel has been an excellent process however the new logo left some traditionalists without words, however others felt it would grow on them... eventually. My favorite session was the...