Dorina in Norway

Dear YMCA friends,

I had the opportunity to be in WAY training in Norway as an 'Agent of Change'.  The experience was great and every time we go through these International trainings it makes me more aware of how big the YMCA World is and it that it leaves you inspired and feeling so good!

We stayed in Oslo for one night and then moved to Gjovik for the rest of training. It is was an inspiration to see youth from different YMCA’s and the diversity of the ways they contribute to their institutions and local/national movements.

At times I was had a feeling that some of agents where seeing communication with their CEOs a big challenge, which made me think how can I can contribute to this process. I think in the next NGSs (National General Secretary’s) meeting I will have to say something about this and maybe share with an open letter to everyone the importance of having around 50 youth from Europe who voluntary contribute to help awake the sleeping giant and are there to help build the visibility of our organization in Europe and globally!

I think as Change Agent’s we are heading  in the right direction and we are all taking care of our Y's at home which makes us think globally and act locally for bigger change!

'Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home'
 Mother Teresa

Dorina Lluka 


  1. Very well put Dorina, nice to know you are trying to act on the issue with CEOs :)

  2. Mother Teresa is Albanian and a Nobel Peace Prize "winner". Gotta love those peace building Albanians (Dorina) :)


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