Anda Hoxha at the Youth Leadership Summit 2013

I’m Anda from Gjakova. Through GWY i was told about an opportunity to attend a leadership summit in England with the Learning Institute Kosovo

I feel that my outlook has changed, I’ve learned that leadership isn’t a role or task but it’s a lifestyle. Since the first day that i touched the Great Britain soil, it was magic! I really did feel so strong and so powerful, the knowledge I gained there  will be very useful for my future. 

"No matter what happens in my life i get to choose the meaning!"

I’ve learnt how to understand people from the inner side, I believe that every young person deserves this chance in exploring their full potential. 
The week was a great, the activities were marvellous and each one of us really got was pushed hard and had to be strong, but none of us gave up! We kept trying and trying to and giving our best and together we reached the highest level. 

I think that the best way to achieve great success is to work in groups, team work always brings more! I learnt that we should eat healthy food, in order to keep a healthy brain and good spirit.

Team Kosovo!
Also that learning is a behaviour, so it’s important that everybody is a learning machine. how we should run our brain in pictures,sounds,feelings,locations etc.

I now know that everyone’s purpose is the same, but their dreams are different, their life goal’s, the steps they need to take, the experiences yet to be had. When you do what you love everything you’ve ever wanted supports you to do it, there is nothing more powerful than living your truth and sharing your story.

During the conference i experienced many words or phrases that really got my body and mind focuses. They are: strong, change, discover, revolution, believe, courage, triumph, victory, daring and brave. 

There was so many things that I never knew or knew less about them like in a relationship the best thing is communication, respect, understandings, knowing your likes and dislikes, good and bad. I feel after this experience I now know how to control my emotions, from being upset into feeling better. This summit really pushed me to be so honest and truthful and to attend more of this type of program. 

I really enjoyed and had an experience that touched my heart deeply. 




  1. So proud of you friend :) Love your blog :) You are really stepped up!


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