Shqiprim Hyseni: Youth Work Training

Through the YMCA i applied and got an scholarship with Forum Syd to study "Basics of youth work".

Since the beginning when I started this training it had a great atmosphere. Together with another member from our organization, Martin Berisha we gained  a lot from this opportunity and learned with other participants from all across Kosovo, creating friendly relationships with them.

I realized that at the beginning of this journey  we didn't know each other but now i have made friends and contacts for many years to come

Shiqiprim top left with other learners
The training started from the middle of September and ended at the start of December, the sweetest moment of this training was the time we spent in Albania where we had a weekend residential and I had an unforgettable time!

Modules passed and now just the last one, i feel we have gained so much new knowledge which will help me in my youth work. I have gained some great friends considering i only knew one person on the first day, i now know 40 people from all over Kosovo who studied with me.

Shqiprim working hard with Arbresha on his community project

I want to Thank the YMCA, its because of them i have gained new knowledge, new friends and had an unforgettable experience!



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