Natyra at YMCA France

Hello to everyone. I’m  Natyra Xharavina and I’m part of leadership project for YMCA in Kosovo.  I was chosen along with  7 other to attend a conference in France, it took place at  YMCA Salm, near Schirmeck. It was a three nations Democracy Conference held from the 22-28th of June and was hosted by YMCA /UCJG France.

Natyra (center) leads the traditional dance on culture evening
“The different forms of Democracy in Europe” was a multilateral project for young people of Germany, France and Kosovo  between 18 and 25 years old. During this conference we examined the various forms of democracy in Europe, starting with reflections about our own country. Taking into account the several elections which were held during these three last years, we had to show if we were affected by politics in our country and Europe as well.  Moreover,  the discussions included religions, culture, but also the social problems such as poverty and unemployment.  

By using a creative approach of informal learning through artistic presentations, cooking workshops and language animations,  we identified the differences as well as the common points between  France, Germany, Kosovo and other European neighbors.

Visiting, the  capital and principal city of the Alsace region in eastern France, Strasbourg was another point of the project.  That visit made me happy and think of all the beauty still left around me. Moreover, being in the company of great people was even better because everyone there made that day even more incredible and more amusing. More importantly, we had the chance and privilege  to visit THE EUROPEAN  PARLIAMENT. That place was gorgeous. As a result, it made me understand that my real dream is being a member of European Parliament and to be honest I’m really motivated because if I can dream it, I can do it.

Thank you YMCA-GWY for giving me this opportunity . I’m going to use this experience and knowledge gained there for good purposes, for myself, my community and you. If anyone was to ask me what was the best time of my life... I would defiantly tell them these 7 days in France!


This project was funded by the French German Youth Office 


  1. Sounds like you had a really motivational experience here Natyra! Brilliant picture in the European Parliament, I can certainly imagine you having an office there one day!


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