A challenge that made me stronger by Diona

For me it was a challenge that I started doing with pleasure.  A challenge that made me stronger! A challenge that made me feel better, and with the safest positively in the things I do in life. A challenge that makes me understand that starting from me I can change the world!

Diona volunteering in the library
In life we choose if we want to be bad or good, we create ourselves, our character and personality, but whatever we create, a monster or an angle, everything depends on the environment that surrounds us! Family, relatives , friends and everything that happens to us is the reason for all the virtues that we warm ourselves, whether it is good or bad!

Volunteering at  the YMCA Birthday

But, change does not depend on anything that happens around us. It does not depend on the world that surrounds you, but from the inside of your heart, spirit, mind, desire, passion, dreams, your will to change your future... including the environment around you! If you truly believe that you can do it, if you really feel the ignition of an unbreakable fire within you that means CHANGE, then no obstacle in life will stop you from proving to yourself that in this you have come for a positive purpose.

Achieving the Volunteer Scout Badge

For me, volunteering has been a great challenge, it has been a challenge that I have submitted to myself to show that it has a wonderful meaning and that I have done something good in life, I will also do more!

“Be the change you want to see in the world”

Diona wrote this blog as part of her Scouting Challenge Badge. This requires 50 hours of volunteering done over 3 months within the YMCA and the community. -Editor


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