I’ve come back inspired by Vesa

International training's are always fun and interesting, which is why I said yes to going to the World YMCA Innovations Camp in Switzerland.


I left home very early September 20th, and somehow managed to spend the day on only 1.5 hrs of sleep. We arrived in Geneva, and it was lovely to look around. Geneva is quite pretty, I have to admit. We also visited the YMCA World Office. Being part and spending a lot of time in an organization and then getting the chance to visit its World office, is a great opportunity and a great feeling! That house is big and has a long history, the World Alliance has a small team working here and across the world. 

Vesa at YMCA Wold Office

The actual training took place in Leysin, in a lovely hotel in the Swiss Alps. Speaking of the Swiss Alps they’re extremely beautiful to have as a morning view, which added on to my lovely experience there. The training had four different innovation workshops including Mental Health, Climate Change, Youth Empowerment, Mentoring (PlusOne) and TenSing. 

Vesa during her training in the Swiss Alps

The TenSing here in YMCA Kosovo is going well, but you always need that extra knowledge and ideas to take it a step further. My trainer Kata Javurkova was really good at her job. I had the space to express my ideas and experience. I also learned more about organizing groups and showcases, and different activities to bring back to Kosovo for the TenSing groups. 

I got to meet a lot of amazing people and make friends from all around the world. It’s always nice to connect with people from different cultures and learn new things. My favorite part would have to be going on top of  the mountain which has an altitude of 2048m; the view was incredible!
Now that I am back in Kosovo, I’m trying to incorporate what I learned into our program. New TenSing groups have started, including a handcrafts group which we did not have before. A volunteer and I will be starting a drama group, which is also something new in the Peja Y. 

I’ve come back inspired and I’m trying to help  our group leaders and improve our performance at the national showcase. As an ending, I would like to add that I enjoyed the experience and I’m very grateful for it!



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