Can’t wait for more! by Edona

I am Edona Vitija, 18 years old and I am part of the YMCA in Kosovo for almost a year now. For the time that I spent here, I have experienced extraordinary moments, I have learned so many important things that made me change myself, and my friends to become better. I have also met so many amazing new people and we have learned a lot from each of them.

Edona Vitija

Last summer, I had the opportunity to participate in the Gender Junik Camp, where the main topics that we discussed were about violence, stereotypes, prejudices, and feminism. It was one of the best trips in my life. We had so much fun and it helped us to release stress by practising yoga and mindfulness.

Edona in Junik Camp

Another great experience started later that year, when we opened the first Leadership group in Prishtina. We just finished the Community Module, and started on the level. I can’t wait to finish the sessions and be able to open my own group where I can lead. I just hope I will be as good and caring as YMCA Staff are with me and the other participants.

Edona as a leader at Decan center

YMCA has given me the opportunity to be a leader for a day. To mark 16 Days of Activism to end gender-based violence, I led a group in the Deçan center. It felt very good to meet peers from another YMCA, and to share my knowledge with them about such a sensitive topic. Sincerely, it was a great honor for me, it increased my confidence, and I became better at public speaking.

Can’t wait for more!


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