I finally got the chance by Bleona

I’m Bleona 19 years old,  a member of YMCA in Prishtina. I have heard about YMCA a few years ago and wanted to be part of it but the YMCA wasnt yet here in Prishtina, However I finally got the chance to join in 2019!

Bleona Llugaliu

Getting the opportunity to be part of YMCA was a great chance. I am now part of the Leadership progect and have finished the Community level. I have learned things I didn’t know before. Different discussions with my peers was like opening books which shared different thoughts and feelings. I also enjoy chilling time with other YMCA volunteers and our trainers in YMCA’s office where we dance, listen to music, watch movies and make food.

Bleona and her friends in the Leadership Program 

My first experience as a workshop leader was in Gjakova, during the 16 Days of Activism to end gender based violence, we organized a workshop with young people from the Gjakova YMCA. Everyone had the space to express their own thoughts and listen to others. We tried to understand each-others perspective. I felt really confident but I wasn’t so sure about my reactions to others opinions, how I would react and if i would be judgmental without meaning it... however it all went really good and I had no problems. After I started, I felt so confident and comfortable and continued sharing with them what I knew about Leadership.

Bleona as a leader in Gjakova

Being part of the Leadership project has helped me with my leadership skills, and I can’t wait for more! I believe this is also adding to my CV.

YMCA is my home, full of people who have great perspectives and who are going to change the world, trust me, write that down!


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