Glera Lusha: Y Women Project

What is the role of women in our society?
 What they should do to raise their voices and why is this important for them?

Those were the questions we discussed at the round table within the Y Woman project. Y Woman is a new project here in Kosovo which gives space to young girls to talk openly about issues and develop strong female leaders for the movement. I'm a young girl volunteering at GWY (YMCA), and when I was informed about the project I was very happy because I have a strong connection with the topic. I always felt that I need to raise my voice, and be part of a group who shares more or less the same thoughts with me.
A space for girls to share hopes, fears and opinions
 During the first round table it made me think about how am I contributing my future, and how supportive my family are and how they effect my growth as a person. Personally I think that the strongest weapon a woman has is her education. We all know that woman can educate the whole world, but first they need to be educated themselves!
Have you ever thought about heritage? To be honest I didn't think about it until the round table with the Y Women, it really made me think that this is an important point in our life as young women. It's important because we can invest in ourselves through education and become professional or business women and show that we are as strong as men and are able to compete for jobs and roles.

I hope that this project will help me and many other girls in Kosovo who are in this project, and I hope we will be can develop and challenge traditions and stereotypes enough to make a change in our personal lives and to become role model's to others!

Y Women and Glera on far right
I would love to hear about your experience, or just even your thoughts about 'role's of women in society'. Looking forward to hear from you!


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