Peace Work Institute – YMCA in another dimension

From the first moment I heard about the peace institute I was excited to know more about it and really wanted to experience it! Not because of traveling out of the country but because for the first time in my life I knew I was going to have the chance and experience YMCA in a whole new dimension... I was going to experience the international YMCA. The big question was... was I ready for that?

YES! Was the big answer, because I knew that a piece of international YMCA was already in Kosovo. Everything started the day when Dorina and Adi called me for coffee and I presumed it was just a coffee meeting like most Saturday mornings, but no it wasn’t they asked me if id like to be involved in YMCA peace work because of my previous experiences and they thought I was the proper person to attend this training.

 The preparation started and I was sorting my documents for the visa application (the hardest part of every international training in Kosovo). I had experienced visa applications before so I was prepared for every question they would ask me even the pointless ones that they sometimes do! Everything went as planned and I got my visa, our journey was really good, and we were looking with curiosity at every small detail on the way until we arrived in Strasbourg. A dream that step by step was coming true for me, the next destination was European Youth Center the place where the future of Europe is built. Getting off the tram I saw the European Parliament this was the next step of the dream, we took our bags and headed to the Youth Center. 

The first few moments inside, my feelings were mixed. I got the key and went straight to my room to unpack and rest a little, preparing myself for the first meeting a few hours later. Then at the first meeting... new faces, new people, a new dimension, new concepts and whole new world right in front of me... The YMCA International world!

There were a lot of amazing moments that I experienced through the week, and everyone was amazing but one of the best moments was when Juan Simoes Iglesias (YMCA Europe General Secretary) introduced everyone to his friend Pakito and we all had to tell Pakito who we were and what the YMCA means to me? Juan has to be one of the most inspiring people i met, he put everything in an amazing harmony and his talk about YMCA volunteers, practice and theory was amazing, he also put a little bit of fun in everything!

Me, Juan and Zura

 The week went by and there was so much to tell people when i got home. A lot of new things learned, a lot of experiences good and bad ones. I had the chance to learn a lot about peoples work, new working techniques and new methodology. I also made lots of new friends and explored one of my dream cities!
Me sharing my home groups feedback with facilitators

I would like to thank everyone that made that week in Strasbourg an amazing week, the planning team, participants, trainers and everyone else! I'm really looking forward to working with the tandem group in the project that is due to take place in Kosovo in September 2014. I know we are a good team from the Balkan YMCA's and with Ireland and Cyprus with us we can make the project a great one. 

The PWI team


Adrian Sheremeti 


  1. I really like what you wrote and you really said it all in this blog about this event! Congratulation and thanks for sharing with others. Well done Adrian! I'm proud of you!

  2. Fantastic blog Adrian, really interesting read and I look forward to watching your journey with the YMCA.

  3. Thank you very much a lot all of you. I am glad you liked my blog. :)


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