Hello 2014!

As we wave goodbye to 2013 it doesn't seem that long ago since our first blog from Orbis who visited Macedonia back in March last year. He really started the ball rolling and since then we have had many entries ranging from Norway to Armenia, from Prague to England it has been quite a treat reading about our participants and where they have visited. As of writing this blog has been read in over 30 countries by more then 2,500 people!

The variety of writers is really growing and 2014 promises to be a fantastic year filled with many more opportunities at home and abroad. We also hope to be joined on the blog by guests from the world wide movement not just our own movement, we hope that their offering will be unique and add to your YMCA reading experience! Another aim this year is to also bring you updates and experiences from our projects here in Kosovo not just individuals International experiences.

 So from everyone here at the GWY Blog, we wish you all the best for the New Year and thank you for your continuous support! Looking forward to sharing with you again!

The Editor.


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