We rise by lifting others by Eron

I always wanted a place to hang out with friends, exchange our opinions or ideas for any topic. This wish of mine came true when I joined the community Leadership project in Junik. I immediately informed all my close friends and we applied together. We just could not wait for the sessions to start.
Eron with his friends during activities
Even though we all knew each other, we were all just waiting for that one person to start talking. To be honest, I was terrified at first. We all knew that it was the beginning of something great. The session started with a good cup of coffee. After that we started discussing about a specific topic, which was great because we get to debate and learn new things from others. The last but not least part of the session is our favorite part of the day, games. We used to just have fun with games, but after each game we learn something new here, a point or moral or way of looking at things. The Community Leadership training has 3 levels, I just finished the first one. At the end of each level we have to complete one community challenge. For our challenge we decided to stick some papers with motivational captions and quotes around the town.

Eron and his friends certified
If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong. The leadership training has taught us that: "Great leaders inspire greatness in others". I would like to thank the organisation for this amazing experience and I'm looking forward for the next level. Meeting new people around Kosovo, critical thinking, new experiences made me a better person today.   

Eron and othetr participants in Junik YMCA Center
We rise by lifting others.

Eron Shala


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