it’s our YMCA! by Vullnet Jakupi

I’m Vullnet, being part of the YMCA have been one of the best parts of my life. Not only did I make new friends meet new people, but I changed a lot in a good way. For me, as a young man was a great opportunity to show my self, to speak up, to talk about my dreams, to say what is it in my mind without having the fear of judgement, which helped me to travel from my introvert self to an extroverted me now. Thanks to the YMCA.

Vullnet volunteering at Question Time event

I was part of many programs here at the YMCA. Starting with the Leadership, Ten Sing (Art Group), Scouts, YWoMen etc. All of them were special to me. After finishing one, I was always felt the content had challenged me and changed how i think and feel about certain things, like a new person inside. Besides learning new things, I had the chance to liver those new things, the topics we have worked on have taught us how to stay strong in life, how to deal with ourselves as adults. But the most wonderful gift the YMCA gave us was empowerment.

Vullnet in his Mental Health project

The YMCA helped many children and young people, me too, and not with something that could not be done, but with something we needed.  They are ready to give us a chance, They do believe in us.

It’s our second Home. It’s a place when we all feel safe. Why? Cause it’s our YMCA.



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