Making a change in my community by Elion Brada

Hi everyone, I am Elion Brada! A 16 year old youngster from Peja enrolled in the first year of high school, studying for natural sciences in “Bedri Pejani” Gymnasium. Today, I would like to share with you my journey within the YMCA, to be honest, it is not a long one, but truly saying it has been a wonderful experience for me and it still continues to be so.

The first time I heard for the YMCA it was through my sister, when she was my age she joined YMCA as a volunteer too, recently, she become a board member. Within the YMCA she not only had the chance to learn new things, gain experience in leadership, but she also made new friends and visited places. Seeing her engagement within this organization, the things she and her peers were doing for the community, I decided to follow her path and join the YMCA. 

Elion with his YMCA membership

When I first started I have to say that I was a bit unsure if I really wanted to be part of this organization, moreover I was scared if I was going to have the success that my sister had within the YMCA. The Leadership program was that one program that introduced me to so many different things, it slowly started to open my mind and somehow I started to perceive things differently; not the same way as I used to before.

Being part of a diverse group, with people whom I just got to know, talking about different topics and challenging ourselves, made me want to continue with the leadership training. YMCA encouraged me to speak up and let my voice be heard, it opened my mind and it made me see the world differently. 

Elion with his Leadership group

Within a year YMCA had such a great impact on me, it made me think not only for myself but also for the people that surround me, it made me realise that a small act of mine can affect a larger number of people for good. So, I decided to take action, use the power I have, and help other peers of mine benefit from such a wonderful organization; together with a friend, we opened our first group ever, this way becoming peer trainers. Our experience just levelled up and being part of the YMCA became even more interesting.

As I look back from now where I am standing, to the day I joined the YMCA, so many things have changed. I am growing within the YMCA and some of my closest friends are from there, some of the most beautiful memories belong to the YMCA. As it all started with a simple meeting every once a week, nowadays I find myself walking to my local YMCA two or three times a week, actively participating in different activities and being the change I always wanted to see.

I am growing with the YMCA, and I am so looking forward to new opportunities and experiences within this life-changing organization. The organization that increased my self-esteem enhanced my public speaking and leadership skills, challenged my traditional way of thinking, and it showed me the way of making a change in my community. 


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