We are here for one another by Idea Peja

My second family: YMCA

Many people tell us how a home isn't always a four walls building, isn't always just our family by blood, but home is where the heart is. Where you feel good with the people around, what you give and what they give...

That's what YMCA offers you: A second home, to spread your most beautiful self, around beautiful people.

Idea and Arianit during their Scouts training

I've been part of the YMCA for a couple of years now, and I have enjoyed every second of it. I have been part of many programs, trainings, where I had so much fun, but one that I'll always love is the "Mental Health" program.

It has taught us so much how to control our emotions, face our fears, and stay in peace with ourselves. It helps us, as teenagers, to understand that there is nothing wrong to not know what you're feeling most of the times, and to help us grow healthy.

Idea and her Peer trainer Liridon with their Leadership Group

 To help each other, because that's what we do at the YMCA: We're here for one another, to accept, love, and cherish every moment while always learning something new.


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