YMCA is the best thing you can attend in your teen years by Natyra Shabi

I’m Natyra, a young fifteen years old volunteer in the YMCA community. First things first, I must say that I’ve never explored countries other than Kosovo and its neighbors so my story may not be as exciting as the others, but believe me when I say, YMCA is the best thing you can attend in your teen years.

Natyra and her YMCA friend
I joined the YMCA a year and a half ago as a fun activity with my friends. At the time, the only thing I knew about it was the song: It’s fun to stay at the YMCA. And it turned out to be true!

I found out about our organization at school and it seemed like a cool activity I could do. Besides, I had a lot of free time so why not? Our first session was on a Sunday and I was very shy. I remember that the games we played that day were so fun, I didn’t even realise I was learning so much throughout them. Most of the time when our sessions were done, me and my friends would hang out more at the center because we just couldn’t leave the good vibe that was always surrounding the place. A quick game of twister would get us tired and eventually we’d go home.

Natyra and her friends playing twister 

As time passed I noticed that my speech was different. I spoke more confidently so I wasn’t shy to express my opinion. If the topics that we’d talk about in the sessions were mentioned outside the YMCA, I had more information about them, which was a plus. What I’m trying to say is that alongside learning and having fun I had huge benefits that I wouldn’t get anywhere besides YMCA.

Now that I have my own group I’m trying the best that I can to pass the things that I’ve learned to the others, so hopefully, together we create a better community to pass on the other upcoming generations.


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